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Meet Ifeanyi Akaleme. His Nexford MBA is helping him grow his side hustle
Meet Ifeanyi Akaleme one of the latest crop of achieving MBA graduates from Nigeria.
Meet Kenneth Nwafor. A Nexford MBA Graduate.
Meet Oladimeji Sunday Bamsa our current MBA learner in Nigeria
Meet Ini-Abasi Abimbola a recent Nigerian MBA graduate
Meet Felix Arinzeh. He used his Nexford MBA to go on and earn his doctorate from a UK university
Meet Adebisi Akinsulire, a Technical Lead at the BBC and recent Nexford MBA graduate from Nigeria.
Nexford MBA - More Job Opportunities for Nigerian Students with an International Degree
Meet Azeez Olawale-Arish Yusuff. He graduated with an online MBA in Nigeria
Meet Olawale S. Sholademi, he graduated with an online MBA in Nigeria
Meet Elijah McQueen. He is earning his BBA in New Zealand. Nexford is giving him a great ROI
Meet Moyosore Sodipe, MBA 2021